Trigger #5 — Energy
Trigger #5 — Energy
24 x 32 cm / 88 pages /colour / softcover / isbn 978-90-833459-4-9 /
How can one comprehend the relation between energy and photography or visual culture today?
Trigger’s newest edition is an exploration of that question – and broadly thematizes alternative approaches to energy through photography, the issue of society’s decarbonisation, the call for repair and collective values. Energy is a marker for the exhaustion of the planet through mining, drilling, forest clearance – the list is endless. But energy was always more than fuel or the material potential for action (or progress). You will find oil (corporations), renewable energies, Buddhism, war energies, female anger, spiritual forests, and more, all mixed in the same jar. This issue brings to the surface some of the different histories and cultures of energy that are often invisible today. It explores new possibilities for imagining energy, through transitions and new vocabularies, and for how photography can be involved in all of this.
Trigger #5: Energy is the FUTURES year book of 2023, and is composed by the editorial board consisting of Julia Gelezova & Ángel Luis González Fernández (PhotoIreland), Emese Mucsi (Robert Capa Contemporary Photography Center), Daria Tuminas (FOTODOK), and Tom Viaene (FOMU). Contributions by: Duncan Wooldridge, Sylvia Ballhause, Máté Dobokay, Agata Madejska, Mariama Attah, Euridice Zaituna Kala, René D’amour Hitimana, Risk Hazekamp, Eline Benjaminsen, Tanja Engelberts, Bas Blaasse, Hannah Fletcher, Hiroki Shin, Cara Daggett, Sheng-Wen Lo, Cale Garrido, Kateryna Radchenko, Yana Kononova, Tina Farifteh, Yvette Monahan, Hiền Hoàng, Sebastian Koudijzer, Léonard Pongo, Caroline Woolard.
€ 20,00