Rob Philip — Realm
Rob Philip — Realm
13,2 x 17,6 cm / 64 pages / fc / small size cahier / EN / Design: Eva van der Schans / isbn 978-94-90119-28-7
When your life is compromised by disease, you are banished to the realm of the broken. Once you are there, there is no turning back. A part of you always stays in that domain, even when your health is restored. Your memories, dreams and desires are tainted by this banishment and life will never be the same again. The work of Rob Philip shows a view on the ‘condition humaine’, especially in the world of men. His projects not only represent the subjects in the pictures; they are a metaphor for a feeling of solitude, vulnerability and intimacy, emotions which are still more associated with woman than men.
€ 16,35
