Outs (silver version)

Outs (silver version)

17 x 24 centimeter / 140 pages / colour and gold on black / softcover /  edited by Kelli Connell / text and design: Hans Gremmen / design: Hans Gremmen / isbn 9789083165806

This publication includes work by more than 70 photographers. Each submitted a photograph which did not fit into any of their projects, but remained compelling for them nonetheless. Using the 1978 text Brief Notes on the Art and Manner of Arranging One’s Books by George Perec, Hans Gremmen embraced the challenge of sequencing these 70 disparate images resulting in a truly unique object. The images included in OUTS create new relationship pairings that are printed using silver/white ink on black paper, an ode to honoring these outliers.

This is the second printing of the first edition of the book. The first printing was printed with gold ink on black paper. After a year this golden ink reacted to the paper in a chemical way, creating ghost images on the pages. Because of this we stopt distributing the golden version. ‘Outs’ had become an outs itself.

Artists Included:
Ron Jude, Melanie Schiff, Cecil McDonald, Jr., Carolyn Drake, Delaney Allen, Pixy Liao, Daniel W. Coburn, Geert Goiris, Jo Ann Callis, John Divola, Joshua Lutz, Christian Patterson, KayLynn Deveney, Joshua Dudley Greer, Lise Sarfati, Alec Soth, Eirik Johnson, Andrea Modica, Justin James Reed, Lisa Kereszi, Bryan Schutmaat, Barbara Diener, Carlos Javier Ortiz, Amy Stein, Kenneth Josephson, Irina Rozovsky, Tina Barney, Terry Evans, Alex Webb, Bob Thall, Rebecca Norris Webb, David Taylor, Mark Klett, Tim Davis, Mike Slack, David Hilliard, Melissa Ann Pinney, Yann Gross, Shane Lavalette, Elinor Carucci, Doug DuBois, Jim Goldberg, Tod Papageorge, Susan Meiselas, Mark Steinmetz, Alex Prager, Fred Huening, Jay Wolke, Laurie Simmons, Paul Shambroom, Brian Ulrich, Erik Kessels, Richard Renaldi, Birthe Piontek, David Rothenberg, Natalie Krick, Shawn Bush, Colleen Plumb, Pieter Hugo, David Johnson, Jason Vaughn, Kristine Potter, Jon Horvath, Katharina Bosse, Joy Drury Cox, Amy Elkins, Andres Gonzalez, Guillaume Simoneau, Mimi Plumb, and Ed Panar.

