Marijn Bax — ANK, Another Kind of Need (signed)
Marijn Bax — ANK, Another Kind of Need (signed)
33 x 26,4 cm / 100 pages + 8 postcards / Audio of the project is online here / Design Linda van Deursen / isbn: 978-90-832251-8-0
This project by Marijn Bax consists of a publication and audio work. All images and sounds are from the garden of Ank van Peski, Heesterlust, in Leidschendam, the Netherlands. For three years Marijn walked the many paths of this two-hectare garden: a long and narrow stretched piece of land descending thirteen feet into de meadows of the Dutch peat-land area. Here she watched, wondered, observed, photographed and recorded the human hand at work. Step by step Marijn became more aware of the visual, physical and mental interplay of the depth and layers in this enchanting garden and the need of gardening.
€ 42,50