Saturday 16 January / 17.00
Opening ‘Quickscan’ at Nederlands Fotomuseum
‘Pages’ is selected for the exhibition Quickscan. For this occasion we made an update of the Pages-selection. In the connected publication “If You Like This, You Might Also Like” we will show the connections between the selected publications. This edition of ‘Pages’ contains books of: Raymond Taudin Chabot, Jaap Scheeren, Mieke Woestenburg, Paulien Oltheten, Vanessa van Dam + Martine Stig, WassinkLundgren, Annelies Goedhart, Ringel Goslinga, Petra Stavast, Niels Stomps, Melanie Bonajo + Kinga Kielczynska, Erik van der Weijde, Rob Hornstra, Koen Hauser, Geraldine Jeanjean, Anouk Kruithof, Monique Scuric, Ilse Frech, Nickel van Duijvenboden, Magdalena Pilko, Cuny Jansen, Vivianne Sassen, Wytske van Keulen, Dieuwertje Komen, Batia Suter and Stefanie Grätz.