30 May – 1 June 2008

Exhibition ‘Pages’ shown at the Photo Festival ‘Fotofruhling’ at Kassel, Germany. The exhibition was made in close collaboration with Claudia Kussel (Nederlands Fotomuseum). ‘Pages’ is a growing database of publications. This database functions as the source to make changing selections that are shown to the public on various locations. The selection for the ‘Fotofruhling’ consists of publications by Dirk Jan Visser + Agnes Verweij / Koen Hauser / Vincent Zedelius / Marco van Duyvendijk / Charlotte Dumas / Linda Maria Birbeck / Raymond Taudin Chabot / Mieke Woestenburg / Paulien Oltheten / Bob van der Vlist / Andrea Stultiens / WassinkLundgren / Kim Bouvy / Anais G. Lopez / Rob van Hoesel / Anouk Kruithof / Vesselina Nikolaeva / Rob Philip / Sema Bekirovic / Judith van IJken / Jaap Scheeren / Petra Stavast / Annelies Goedhart / Niels Stomps / Ringel Goslinga / Vanessa van Dam + Martine Stig / Melanie Bonajo + Kinga Kielczynska / Rob van der Nol / Jasper Groen / Reineke Otten / Antje Peters / Erik van der Weijde / Elian Somers / Karine Versluis / Rob Hornstra / Wytske van Keulen / Johannes Schwartz.